Gear up for fun and fast-paced action

Welcome to the exciting world of girls' lacrosse! This dynamic sport combines speed, strategy, and teamwork, making it a fantastic choice for athletes of all skill levels. 

We follow the official rules set forth by the Minnesota Schoolgirls Lacrosse Association (MSLax). This ensures a consistent and fair playing experience for all. Dive deeper into the specifics of stick checks, fouls, scoring, and more by visiting the official MSLax rules web page: MSLax Girls Youth Rules Book.


Division Date of Birth Grade Field
8U 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2018 1st-2nd Modified (small)
10U 9/1/2014 - 8/31/2016 3rd-4th Modified (small)
12U 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014 5th-6th Full
14U 6/1/2010* - 8/31/2012 7th-8th Full
18U 9/1/2006-8/31/2010 9th-12th Full

Age verification

To verify age and correct team placement, parents may be asked to upload their child's birth certificate when registering or renewing a USA Lacrosse membership. MSLax offers waivers for girls with special circumstances.

USA Lacrosse membership

A $35 USA Lacrosse membership is required for league participation. This annual fee includes insurance, equipment discounts, Lacrosse Magazine, and covers both spring and summer seasons.

What to expect

When we play

Our lacrosse season typically runs from early May to late July. The start of the season may be impacted by weather and field conditions.


Shakopee Lacrosse is committed to providing a fun and inclusive lacrosse experience for all players regardless of skill, ability, or motivation.

Read our evaluation process to understand the expectations and philosophy of our evaluation sessions.

Where we play

Games may be played across the metro region.

Practices and home games are held at Saber Fields:

13200 Townline Ave.

Shakopee, MN


8U M&W* 1 hour
10U M&W* 1 hour
12U M, W, Th** 1.5 hours
14U M, W, Th** 1.5 hours


  • Games start the first week of June.

  • Expect 1–2 games a week

  • Games are played on weeknights.

  • Game schedules are set by YLM usually 1 week before the season starts.


LEVEL OF PLAY River Valley Rumble Shakopee June 6–8, 2025 Lax by the Lake Prior Lake June 27–29, 2025 Black & Blue Woodbury June 27–29, 2025 Jamboree TBD July 26–27, 2025 State Tournament TBD July 26–27, 2025
8U X X X
10U X X X
12UA X X X
12UB X X X
14UA X X X
14UB X X X


8U $225 $35 $75 $98
10U $300 $35 $75 $98
12U $350 $35 $75 $98
14U $350 $35 $75 $98
18U $300 $35 $0 None


All players are required to have required equipment and SYLA uniforms. While players may request a number during registration, final number assignments will be determined by the board.

What equipment do you need to play girls lacrosse?

Explore more specific details in the Girls’ Lacrosse Equipment Guide from USA Lacrosse.


New players

All 8U–14U players will be required to purchase three pieces:

  • Game jersey
  • Practice pinnie 
  • Shorts

There is also an optional shooter shirt available.

Uniform try on events have been scheduled for the below dates at the Shakopee Ice Arena Conference Room. You only need to attend one event.

  • Monday, February 10
  • 4:30-6:30 p.m.

  • Wednesday, February 19
  • 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Returning players

Uniforms will remain the same from 2023 and 2024 seasons. Typically we design new jerseys every three years.

6U and 18U players: SYLA provides a reversible pinnie to borrow for the season.

If you need a new jersey for the 2025 season we have scheduled try on events for the below dates at the Shakopee Ice Arena Conference Room. You only need to attend one event.

  • Monday, February 10
  • 4:30-6:30 p.m.

  • Wednesday, February 19
  • 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Frequently asked questions

Can athletes get an age waiver to play down an age level?

Players can request an age waiver play with their peers, if their birth date is within six months of the cut-off date. Register at the correct age level and the board will adjust it if the decision to grant the waiver is approved.

To submit an age waiver request, complete this form. All requests must be received by April 1 to be considered. You will be notified of approval or denial. There will be no refunds if a waiver is not granted and your player decides not to play for SYLA.

Can athletes get an age waiver to play up an age level?

Players will not be allowed to play up age levels to ensure they are focused on skill improvement, unless recommended by the youth director and coach. Adjustments may be made if numbers at certain age levels are not met, but this will be at the discretion of the board.

My player’s USA Lacrosse member number is not found when trying to register, what can I do?

Confirm the information entered when registering for your USA lacrosse membership is exactly the same as what is entered into the form for Shakopee lacrosse registration. Here are some things to look for:

  • Middle initial missing
  • Incorrect address (i.e. Road vs Rd)
  • Exact last name spelling
  • Incorrect birth date.

If you have verified all are equal, we can reach out to USA Lacrosse.

Why do I have to pay for a USA Lacrosse membership?

USA Lacrosse memberships are required so that if a player is injured on the field during an event they are covered by the USA Lacrosse insurance through RPS Bollinger.

Will I have to purchase a new uniform every year?

The association will try to maintain the same jersey for three consecutive years, unless a manufacturer discontinues the style. We redesigned uniforms for the 2023 season, so you will not be required to purchase a new uniform

this year if you bought one last year. If your player is new to Shakopee Lacrosse this year, or is moving up from 6U to 8U, you will need to purchase a uniform.

Are scholarships available for registration fees?

Scholarships for SYLA are available for families that qualify for the free or reduced lunch program through the school. The scholarship amount will be for 50% of registration fees. Uniform and fundraising fees are not covered.

To apply:

  1. Fill out the Financial Assistance Application on our website under the registration tab.
  2. You will be contacted by the board to notify you of the type of assistance you qualify for and provide a discount code.
  3. Register online using the discount code at checkout.

Are there paid coaches at all levels?

Yes. Our goal is to have paid coaches for all levels, starting at 6U and above with two high school student coaches at each team.

Will volunteer hours be required this year?

Yes volunteer hours are required of all player families. SYLA families will be required to provide a refundable $700 volunteer deposit check at the parent meeting in April. You can choose to opt-out of volunteering by paying $600 at registration.

The final hour determination will be set closer to the start of the season. Please note, players will not be able to participate in evaluations unless the volunteer check is received. Upon verification of the required volunteer hours being completed, deposit checks are destroyed. If all volunteer hours are not completed, SYLA will cash your deposit checks in lieu of hours not worked.

What types of jobs will be available for volunteer hours?

Our home tournament, River Valley Rumble, will be our priority for volunteer hours.

Can I rent equipment?

We do not currently have an equipment rental program.

At what age can my child use a longer D pole?

Athletes can use a defensive pole at 12U and above.

Does the association provide equipment for goalies?


What should I look for when buying a girls stick?

What should I do after buying a girls stick?

What are girls lacrosse stick rules?

Girls Summer 2025

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